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Bereavement Adaptation: Learning And Navigating Coping EssentiaLS

A program to help you monitor your coping strategies

Already have an account? Log in here:

Learning to adapt and navigate life after bereavement can be challenging. Some ways of coping with bereavement can be more effective and healthier than others. BALANCE is an interactive tool based on research studies that has been created for bereaved individuals to practice healthy coping strategies. 

This user-friendly platform allows you to:

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Identify which coping skills you currently use in the Coping Check-in.

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Learn about Ways of Coping.

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Understand how different coping strategies can affect families in Coping in Context.

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Build a cairn by trying suggested activities in the Build Your Coping Cairn. Monitor your use of these activities over time.

How can I try BALANCE? 

You can review general information about coping strategies in Ways of Coping and Coping in Context. You may find what you need in one visit, but this site is designed for you to interact with it and return as many times as you find helpful. Creating an account will allow you to personalize your BALANCE experience by accessing the Coping Check-In and the Coping Tracker

If you would like to create a BALANCE account, please sign up here. To register, you will need to enter an email address and password. By logging in, you will be able to view your responses to the Coping Check-in and access the Coping Tracker where you can keep track of suggested coping activities you use.