Featured Interview:
“Educating Civilian Social Work Professionals about Military Culture and Care”
Mary Ann Forgey, PhD
Mary Ann Forgey, PhD, is an associate professor at Fordham University Graduate School of Social Service. Dr. Forgey received her BA and MSW from Boston College, and her PhD from Columbia University. She teaches a range of practice courses in the foundation and advanced years including electives that she developed on intimate partner violence (IPV) and most recently military social work. She has been the principal investigator on two research projects related to IPV within the military, the
results of which have been published in the Journal of Family Violence, Violence and Victims and the Journal of Social Work Education. Prior to entering academia, Dr. Forgey was employed as a civilian social worker for the Department of the Army in Wiesbaden, Germany. She also worked as a child protection social worker in Boston, Massachusetts.