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Research Review: Fall 2018

We present the Research Review (RR), a publication of the Joining Forces Joining Families (JFJF) group. RR consists of summaries of research of interest to family advocacy, medical, and social service providers. These summaries include articles on child maltreatment and intimate partner violence (IPV) issues that may not be commonly encountered in research and practice. We present articles on how intimate partner violence (IPV) can affect a victim in the workplace, animal abuse and its association with IPV, how providers can inquire about the welfare of a pet, parental burnout and its association with child maltreatment, challenges of working with batterers, and controlling behavior as IPV and child maltreatment. Other summaries of articles on child maltreatment include the misattribution of infants’ personalities by parents and caretakers and its relation to the risk of child maltreatment, and the risk of violence to child protection workers.