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Journal Articles

2025 | 2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2017 | 2018 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007


Adler, A. B., Forbes, D., & Ursano, R. J. (2022). Sustaining NATO service member mental health during the crisis in Ukraine. BMJ Military Health, e002136. [PubMed]

Benedek, D.M. (2022). Matthew J. Friedman, M.D., PhD and the Creation of the VA National PTSD Brain Bank. Psychiatry, 85:2, 157-160. [PubMed]

Chu, C., Stanley, I. H., Marx, B. P., King, A. J., Vogt, D., Gildea, S. M., Hwang, I. H., Sampson, N. A., O'Brien, R., Stein, M. B., Ursano, R. J., & Kessler, R. C. (2022). Associations of vulnerability to stressful life events with suicide attempts after active duty among high-risk soldiers: results from the Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers-longitudinal study (STARRS-LS). Psychological Medicine, 1–11. Advance online publication. [PubMed]

Fisher, J. E., Krantz, D. S., Ogle, C. M., Zhou, J., Zuleta, R. F., Strickman, A. K., Fullerton, C. S., Ursano, R. J., & Cozza, S. J. (2022). Mental health, ill-defined conditions, and health care utilization following bereavement: A prospective case-control study. Journal of the Academy of Consultation-Liaison Psychiatry. doi: 10.1016/j.jaclp.2022.02.007

Fisher, J. E., Rice, A. J., Zuleta, R. F., & Cozza, S. J. (2022). Bereavement during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impact on coping strategies and mental health. Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes. doi: 10.1080/00332747.2022.2051141

Frankova, I., Vermetten, E., Shalev, A. Y., Sijbrandij, M., Holmes, E. A., Ursano, R., Schmidt, U., & Zohar, J. (2022). Digital psychological first aid for Ukraine. The Lancet Psychiatry.

Kim, S. Y., Cohen, S. P., Rodriguez, S. E., McCabe, J., & Choi, K. H. (2022). Central effects of stellate ganglion block mediated by the vagus nerve? An alternate hypothesis for treating PTSD. Medical Hypotheses, 162, 110833.

Koh, K. A., Montgomery, A. E., O'Brien, R. W., Kennedy, C. J., Luedtke, A., Sampson, N. A., Gildea, S. M., Hwang, I., King, A. J., Petriceks, A. H., Petukhova, M. V., Stein, M. B., Ursano, R. J., & Kessler, R. C (2022). Predicting homelessness among U.S. Army Soldiers no longer on active duty. American Journal of Preventive Medicine.

Mash, H.B.H., Fullerton, C.S., Morganstein, J.C., Liu, A.G., Vance, M.C., Wang, L., Mullins-Hussain, B., & Ursano, R.J. (2022).  Responding to repeated disasters: Time to recovery in public health workers. Disaster Medicine & Public Health Preparedness, 1-7. [article]

Morganstein, J.C. (2022). Climate-Related Disasters: Understanding Causes, Consequences, and Interventions to Protect Community Mental Health. National Association of State Mental Health Program Directors Technical Assistance Center. (INVITED PAPER).

Morganstein, J.C., Bromet, E.J., Shigemura, J. (2022). The Neuropsychiatric Aftermath of Exposure to Weapons of Mass Destruction: Applying Historical Lessons to Protect Health during the War in Ukraine. Psychological Medicine. 1-3. [article]

Morganstein, J. C., Ursano, R. J., Benedek, D. M., Kurosawa, M., & Shigemura, J. (2022). Preparing for the mental health consequences of a nuclear event in Ukraine: The time is now. Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences. Advance online publication. [PubMed]

Naifeh, J. A., Capaldi, V. F., Chu, C., King, A. J., Koh, K. A., Marx, B. P., Montgomery, A. E., O'Brien, R. W., Sampson, N. A., Stanley, I. H., Tsai, J., Vogt, D., Ursano, R. J., Stein, M. B., & Kessler, R. C. (2022). Prospective associations of military discharge characterization with post-active duty auicide attempts and homelessness: Results from the Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers-Longitudinal Study (STARRS-LS). Military Medicine, usac232. Advance online publication. [article][PubMed]

Naifeh, J. A., Ursano, R. J., Stein, M. B., Mash, H., Aliaga, P. A., Fullerton, C. S., Dinh, H. M., Kao, T. C., Sampson, N. A., & Kessler, R. C. (2022). Association of premilitary mental health with suicide attempts during US Army service. JAMA Network Open, 5(6), e2214771 [PubMed]

Naifeh, J. A., Ursano, R. J., Stein, M. B., Mash, H., Aliaga, P. A., Fullerton, C. S., Dinh, H. M., Kao, T. C., Sampson, N. A., & Kessler, R. C. (2022). Prospective associations of emotion reactivity and risk behaviors with suicide attempts in US Army soldiers. Psychological medicine, 1–8. Advance online publication. [PubMed]

Ogle, C. M., Miller, T., Fisher, J. E., Zhou, J.,  & Cozza, S. J. (2022). Latent classes of child
neglect types and associated risk factors. Child Abuse & Neglect. Advance online publication.

Phelps, A. J., Adler, A. B., Belanger, S. A. H., Bennett, C., Cramm, H., Dell, L., Fikretoglu, D.,
Forbes, D., Heber, A., Hosseiny, F., Morganstein, J. C., Murphy, D., Nazarov, A., Pedlar, D.,
Richardson, J. D., Sadler, N., Williamson, V., Greenberg, N., & Jetly, R. (2022). Addressing
moral injury in the military. BMJ Military Health, e002128. [PubMed]

Radford, K. D., Berman, R. Y., Jaiswal, S., Kim, S. Y., Zhang, M., Spencer, H. F., & Choi, K. H. (2022). Enhanced fear memories and altered brain glucose metabolism (18F-FDG-PET) following subanesthetic intravenous ketamine infusion in female Sprague–Dawley rats. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 23(3), 1922.

Raut, S. B., Canales, J. J., Ravindran, M., Eri, R., Benedek, D. M., Ursano, R. J., & Johnson, L. R. (2022). Effects of propranolol on the modification of trauma memory reconsolidation in PTSD patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of Psychiatric Research, 150, 246–256. Advance online publication. [PubMed]

Stanley, I. H., Chu, C., Gildea, S. M., Hwang, I. H., King, A. J., Kennedy, C. J., Luedtke, A., Marx, B. P., O'Brien, R., Petukhova, M. V., Sampson, N. A., Vogt, D., Stein, M. B., Ursano, R. J., & Kessler, R. C. (2022). Predicting suicide attempts among U.S. Army soldiers after leaving active duty using information available before leaving active duty: results from the Study to Assess Risk and Resilience in Servicemembers-Longitudinal Study (STARRS-LS). Molecular Psychiatry. [PubMed]

Taylor, C. T., Campbell-Sills, L., Kessler, R. C., Sun, X., Nock, M. K., Ursano, R. J., Jain, S., & Stein, M. B. (2022). Social network size and personality traits independently and prospectively predict distress disorders and suicidal behavior in U.S. Army soldiers. Psychological Medicine, 1–10. Advance online publication. [article][PubMed]

Wang, J., Naifeh, J. A., Herberman Mash, H. B., Morganstein, J. C., Fullerton, C. S., Cozza, S. J., Stein, M. B., & Ursano, R. J. (2022). Attachment style and risk of suicide attempt among new soldiers in the U.S. Army. Psychiatry, 1–12. Advance online publication. [PubMed]

Wang, J., Ursano, R. J., Gifford, R. K., Dinh, H., Weinberg, A., Cohen, G. H., Sampson, L., Galea, S., & Fullerton, C. S. (2022). Suicide Ideation and Social Support Trajectories in National Guard and Reserve Servicemembers. Psychiatry, 1–13. [PubMed]

West, J.C., Walsh, A.K., & Morganstein, J.C. (2022). Just-in-Time Adaptive Interventions for Suicide: The Right Idea at the Right Time. Psychiatry. 85:4, 347-353. [PubMed]

West, J.C., Morganstein, J.C., & Benedek, D.M. (2021). Fourteen Years Later: Hobfoll and Colleagues Five Principles of Psychological First Aid through the Lens of the COVID-19 Global Pandemic. Psychiatry, 84(4), 373-377.